"I would eat, but I don't have the time or patience to get home and cook!" A pattern-line I've heard from more than a handful of my friends. Working in D.C. and living in suburban Virginia, I spend about a third of my time commuting. Leave early enough to withstand traffic and distance, and make it to work barely, if at all, on time. Drive back home through the same gridlock motorcade to arrive at ungodly hours when all I want is to grab a bowl of cereal and get to bed.
I try my best to keep my pots and pans active as often as possible, yet I too fall victim to the terrors brought by a mixture of fatigue and laziness. I have, however, given up on fast food altogether, scratched it from my routine. The only things I eat out of a can these days are corn and beans. Tortillas, cheese, and beans are a staple in my house and default breakfast, lunch, and dinner ingredients, if not the dinner itself.
I try to make my meals, even when out, as hearty and healthy as possible (with the obligatory exception every now and again when I fall weak at the sight of a gigantic Bacon Cheeseburger and fries), and ideally I would like to eat at home every night.
The best laid plans...
Killing time on the interweb, as I am known to do whilst bearing high and proud my Procrastinator Badge, trying to think of what to eat today, I bumped into an article full of fun eating facts for those of us that lack time, spirit, or even skill around a stove.
Preparing your own nutritionally balanced meals every night of the week does take effort and advanced planning. Naturally making your own is the preferred, but in a pinch, there are helping hands out there for all of us! [Start Cooking]The post mentions a place by the name of Nutrition DeliverD, which promises to:
...help busy Bostonians who want to cook and eat more healthfully.I'm trying to find a similar place in the D.C. area, but to no avail. (Any venture-capitalists out there?)
Another place, which I may drop into today, recently opened literally across the street from where I live:
Come in and select an entrĂ©e for dinner tonight, or take home a month's worth of hassle-free dinners. We make it or you make it — the choice is yours. [Super Suppers]Oh man. Makes me miss Chihuahua. Where we had places like these with buffets and a pluthera of choices all in true Mexican form.

There's money to be made in this here land.
There's quite the number of options available for me. Now if only they had a Motivation Delivery for Rainy Days with No Food In the House Service, I think I'd be all set.