In the grand ol' spirit of fine, bacon-worshipping entries, we (and by "we", I completely mean "I") bring you again via Easyjo, another meaty concoction of the pork kind. We have been tipped off by the creator about a new project he has just completed.
From the same people that brought you the meat house, unveiled is:

[Easyjo's Meat Ship Gallery]
In the same bacon spirit we found some more of that sweet bacon gear you've grown to love.
A t-shirt [via Serious Eats] bearing only the best diagram to ever depict the butchering of a pig for consumption:

[Available for purchase now!]
And a new version of the ever-sought-after bacon scarf [via Slashfood] is now

[This one, sadly, is no longer on sale as there was only one made]