Wednesday, February 27, 2008


As I've mentioned before, I have been trying to switch and maintain my fod intake to be as largely organic as possible without straining my wallet too too much.

I've come to find that, although not all my food yet, there have been some changes in my food purchasing that now occur without me even thinking about it. For example, my eggs and my milk are now constantly organic. Meats and poultry I try to obtain all natural (without hormones or additives, and free-range when at all possible). You can definitely taste the difference after you've changed. Not only in your taste buds, but also in the way you feel. I know my man-boob-age has been reduced since (I started going to the gym and) I started eating hormone-free food on the regular.

[wow. circa 2002. just. wow.]

It's a nice thought to be able to greenify your pantry, however it can cost a pretty penny. One of my regular blog reads, Get Rich Slowly, has a fantastic write up (as always) on how to break into the habit of purchasing organic without killing your bank account.

More here (GRS).